New York, New York
March 16, 1972
John Winston Lennon
On January 21, 1972, [...] advised that a group of individuals calling themselves the Allamuchy Tribe were to open an office in New York City within the next two weeks. The leaders of the Tribe initially were Rennard Cordon David and Steward Albert. The main purpose of the group was to coordinate New Left movement activities during this election year to culminate with demonstrations at the Republican National Convention in San Diego, California during August 1972.
Rennard Cordon Davis is a convicted defendent of the so-called Conspiracy Seven Trial, Chicago, Illinois, in the period September 1969 through February 1970, involving those persons earlier indicted for violation of the Federal Anti-Riot Statute.
Stewart Albert: [...] on April 25, 1966 advised that Albert was arrested on April 12, 1966 at Berkeley, California along with other members of the Progressive Labor Party (PLP) while demonstrating in front of the Berkeley City Hall.
Progressive Labor Party
The PLP was founded in 1962 by individuals expelled from the Communist Party, USA, for following the Chinese communist line. Its objective is the establishment of a militant working class movement based on Marxism-Leninism and Mao-Tse-tung thought.
On January 24, 1972, [...] advised that John Winston Lennon, who was formerly associated with the Beatles Music Group, donated seventy-five thousand dollars to the Allamuchy Tribe, to further their cause of New-Left activities.
On January 28, 1972, [...] advised that the Allamuchy Tribe had changed its name to the Election Year Strategy Information Center (EYSIC), so as to be more effectively known to the general public.
On February 2, 1972, [...] advised that several members of the Peoples Coalition for Peace and Justice from Washington, DC transferred to the PCPJ office in New York City to work on EYSIC.
Peoples Coalition for Peace and Justice (PCPJ)
The PCPJ is self-described as an organization consisting of over 100 organizations using massive civil disobedience to combat war, racisim, poverty and repression. Its National Office is located at 156 5th Avenue, New York City, Room 527.
On February 15, 1972, [...] advised that John Lennon on November 28, 1969, pled guilty in Marylebone Magistrates Court, London, England to possession of dangerous drugs (Cannabis). He was fined L150 and ordered to pay L21 in court costs.
John Winston Lennon. On February 2, 1972, [...], Immigration Officer, Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), New York City, advised that Lennon, Alien Registration Number A-17597321, first arrived in New York City on August 11, 1968 under a B-2 visitors visa. He subsequently departed the United States, and during his 1971 re-entry was granted another B-2 visa. His latest visa was due to expire on February 29, 1972.
Yoko Ono. [...] advised that Ono, Alien Registration Number A-19489154 was born on February 18, 1933 in Japan. She entered the United States on August 13, 1971 along with Lennon after being granted a B-2 visa.
INS has a current address of the Saint Regis Hotel, 150 Bank Street, New York City for both Lennon and his wife.
During Lennon and his wife's current stay in the United States they made a public appearance along with Jerry Rubin, on the Mike Douglas Television Show which was aired on February 22, 1972 on Channel II, Columbia Broadcasting System, in New York City.
During February 1972, [...] advised that Rennard Davis, Stewart Albert, Jerry Rubin and John Lennon are heavy users of narcotics. Source advised that Rubin and Davis are apparently at odds with Lennon due to his excessive use of drugs, which are referred to in the vernacular as "downers." Source advised that Lennon appears to be radically orientated, however he does not give the impression he is a true revolutionist since he is constantly under the influence of narcotics.
Jerry Rubin is a convicted defendent of the so-called Conspiracy Seven Trial, Chicago, Illinois, in the period September 1969 through February 1970, involving those persons earlier indicted for violation of the Federal Anti-Riot Statute.
On March 14, 1972, Mr. Vincent Schiano, Chief Trial Attorney, INS, New York City, advised that Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono on March 6, 1972 were served with an INS order to show cause as to why they should not be deported from the United States as over-stayed visitors. Mr. Schiano advised that Lennon and his wife are scheduled to appear at INS, New York City on March 16, 1972 to answer the show cause order.
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