This is Pattie Boyd, your girl-on-the-spot in London, bringing you all the latest news and views from our side of the big pond. Since a lot of you who are kind enough to write to me often ask what the typical Britisher thinks of American artists, Mary Bee (my roomie) and I sat down and did a little serious thinking about talent from Stateside. I think our answers are rather typical of the kind you'd get from an average young girl over here.
First of all, when an American and British artist record the same number, we usually go for the American recording. I've heard that it's getting to be the opposite in the U.S.A.! Of course, there are exceptions. For instance, Wayne Fontana And the Mindbenders just bent the charts with their hit version of Um Um Um etc., and that fabulous Sandie Shaw walked away a winner with her cut of There's Always Something There To Remind Me. On the other hand, though Dionne Warwick is one of my top-faves, I liked Cilla's version of Anyone Who Had A Heart best!
I buy about four new single records a week. If I hear something on the radio I like, I rush right out and purchase it. Can't resist the temptation. Recently, I bought the Beach Boys singing When I Grow Up, James Brown's Maybe The Last Time, the Impressions doing It's All Right and Marvin Gaye's How Sweet It Is. (Some of these recordings may sound old now, but remember that two whole months go by between the time I write this and it gets printed and delivered to you!) I never miss a Ray Charles or a Roy Orbison record, either.
Mary and I went to see the Newbeats when they performed here and we thought they were terrif. Did you know that the tall, "fattish" guy is the one who sings the falsetto (high) melody? I must admit it sounded sort of funny coming out of him! But then, most people don't sound like they look, do they? Take Paul McCartney, for example. (Good idea!) He looks like a choirboy and sings like something else altogether! Have you heard him [sic] doing Rock And Roll Music on the Beatles latest LP? It fairly burns up the track!
As far as American TV favorites go over here, I think the boys from Bonanza have the biggest following. We get Dr. Kildare and Ben Casey, but (and I know I'll get a thousand poison-pen letters for this) I can't quite stick either Chamberlain or Edwards. I think they are put into silly episodes. I mean, I don't think doctors behave like that.
I understand that you have telly 24 hours a day in New York. That's simply smashing. We get it on and off at odd hours only. You don't know how lucky you are!
Before I end, I want to thank you all for your letters. Mary helps me sort them out, and I'll try to answer as many as I can personally and through this column. I'm just a working girl like everyone else, and don't have a secretary, so please be patient with me. Lots of luv!
1 comment:
Don't know if this is real or not but if so....Pattie, I'm smitten. Thanks to the internet, I finally realized it was YOU I developed a crush on when I was a boy after watching "A Hard Day's Night". After watching it again late one night(and being smitten again after all these years) and doing a little research, I kicked myself for not knowing that very gal was Pattie Boyd. You STILL have that "something" after all these years. God bless you for not disappearing into the woodworks.
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