
Sunday, January 04, 2009

The FBI: Watching The Mike Douglas Show



New York, New York
February 25, 1972

Jerry Clyde Rubin

On February 22, 1972, Jerry Rubin appeared on the Mike Douglas Television Show which was aired on Channel II, Columbia Broadcasting System, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. John Lennon, formerly with the Beatles musical group, and his wife were co-hosts on this show. This program was tape recorded and pertinent statements made by Rubin are included in this memorandum.

Mike Douglas introduced Jerry Rubin stating his feelings were quite negative concerning Rubin but that John Lennon wanted him on the show.

John Lennon stated that Rubin was not at all like his image as he and his wife were not like their image. He stated he found something in Rubin that was artistic.

Mike Douglas asked, "What is Jerry Rubin thinking about these days?"

Rubin stated, "Glad you asked that! We're going to support Nixon for President, because by going to China he is furthering communist revolution throughout the world, and also encouraging communism at home. Anything to get elected! Even though it's not appreciated by the right wing, it's appreciated by the left. I'm just kidding! What he has really done is automate the war in Vietnam so that its machines killing people create a situation where 43 people can be murdered at Attica, create a situation where four kids can be killed at Kent State and people are afraid. The atmosphere of the country is one of his debts. I think the administration did this, and he is the symbol of it. And so I'm working very hard with people all over the country to defeat Nixon."

When questioned about the "Movement," Rubin stated that "the way the movement has changed is the pressure is so heavy that if anybody does anything, gets arrested, jailed, killed, that people are very pessimistic."

Douglas stated he had heard that Rubin was against drugs and this was the reason he was in favor of having him on the program. Rubin stated he was not against drugs but against heroin. Rubin stated, "the police are the protectors of the heroin trade, and heroin is used against Black people and against some white people right now, as a killer drug. Too many young kids are taking downers and heroin, because they see no future for themselves in this country, they see no hope in changing the country, they see no decent life in which they can be creative and express themselves, so they shoot into their veins and take a pill. And that's the society's fault, as it offers no alternative. As a revolutionary movement, we've got to give an alternative."

When questioned about voting, Rubin stated that all young people should vote as a block, just like women should vote as a block. "We've got to get Nixon out of the White House because we've got to stop the automated war in Vietnam. It's power if we vote together. We shouldn't vote for any candidate that doesn't automatically withdraw everything from Vietnam. And we ought to go to both Conventions in Miami and San Diego and non-violently make our presence felt and stand on the issues. If we do anything any other way, we'll be killed."

When questioned as to what he thinks is right in this country, Rubin stated that what's right is the fact that there are people in the country who want to change it. He stated that what he thought was beautiful about it, is that the children of America want to change the country and are going to.

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